dōTERRA Essential Oils

(dōTERRA is the Latin term for ‘Gift of the Earth’)

“Nothing but goodness comes from dōTERRA.”  A statement I heard a few years ago that I am reminded of daily as I am lucky enough to feel and experience it everyday !  When I first introduced dōTERRA into my life it was to help me boost my immune system and stave off ‘having to go’ to the doctor.  Little did I know it was going to change my life and my family’s life beyond compare.

dōTERRA is revolutionising the way families manage their well-being by providing a foundation for optimal health through marrying natural solutions and modern medical technology.  Making their products easily available to every home across the globe is resulting in boundless benefits for families.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are extracts from plants, herbs, fruits and trees that have for centuries been used for many purposes.  They are the inside of many plants, hidden in roots, seeds, flowers and bark.  They are naturally occurring volatile, highly concentrated aromatic chemical compounds that contain powerful therapeutic properties. Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination.  They are in effect the essence of a plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared to bring the power of nature into your home.

Why Use dōTERRA’s Essential Oils as a Wellness Tool

Using dōTERRA’s Essential Oils as a natural solution affords you the opportunity to take back control of your physical and emotional health allowing you to be proactive rather than being reactive to your health concerns.

As an Aromatherapist I quickly understood the reasons doTERRA’s Essential Oils stood head and shoulders above other brands and on introducing these powerful tools into my Wellness Practice, my clients swiftly began to feel the benefits also

  • Safely and effectively used by all ages.

  • Natural chemical compounds that protect against environmental threats and viruses

  • Powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties.

  • Highly effective sensory aids

  • Non-toxic and chemical free natural solutions

How to Use Essential Oils

  • aromatically by inhaling them or diffusing them in a water-based diffuser (affects mood, cleanse air, open airways – molecules reach the brain within 22 seconds)

  • topically by applying them to various parts of your body, (soles of your feet, back of your neck or along your spine being extremely effective – enters blood stream within 30 seconds)

  • internally by drinking them in water, juices, smoothies (detoxifies the body, digestive system, mouth, throat, liver, kidney tract – reaches every cell in your body within 20 minutes)

Empowered Health Solutions doterra kitchen
Empowered Health Solutions empowering health
Empowered Health Solutions doterra in water
Empowered Health Solutions using essential oils


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